Mrs Leale shaped my life in so many ways. I was a little tyke at school and she was one of the only members of staff that had faith in me and made me believe in myself. She was one of a rare breed of teachers who dedicated their working life to nurturing orhers and getting the very best out of each and every one of us.
Lax lessons were the highlight of my week! Amanda never seemed to hold it against me that i had been caught doing something wrong, yet again, but just went on encouraging me to be the best i could be.
I went on to be a PE teacher myself and had it not been for Amanda, i think I would have ended up elsewhere…... Not sure where but I honestly don’t think I would have made such a success of my life.
i hope that one day my pupils will feel the same about me. Amanda was a truly wonderful lady who put up with a lot! She shaped my life completely and for that I thank her.